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miercuri, 17 noiembrie 2010

Being a romanian-positive and negative

"What is the best thing about a Romanian?  And what is the worst thing about being a Romanian?"

 Dear Filipino,

Okay,first of all,i think this question sucks.No one should be put in the situation to talk dirt about his own country.Of course i could write all the good stuff but then i wouldn't be honest.I'm not saying my country is all bad but as many others,it has its faults.
At first i thought this question is gonna be a easy one,it turned out it isn't.I've asked my friends what do they think about it and i still couldn't get a straight answer.The conclusion? Romania is not an easy country to live in.
We have high unemployment rate,stray dogs,traffic jams,pimps and minorities who managed to create a faster and worse image for us than we would've got if we wouldn't have been admitted to the European Union.
But we're working on it,and we're trying to create a better place for our kids to live in.It's been 20 years since we have become a democratic state but some of us still have the comunist mentality.That's hard too.
But the people are kind,they are warm and welcoming.We have real traditions that were perpetuated from ancient times and in rural areas,people sill lead they're lives by abiding old morals.
We have unique landscapes, meaning Romania is one of the few countries in the world that has it all,both sea and mountain.Fascinating history that served as inspirational research for many famous books.Romania was once considered The Gate of Christianity because during the ottoman invasion it played an important role because of it's geographical position and deffended the rest of the europe by not letting the ottoman imperium win.
Going back to modern days,the educational system in Romania is very good,the quantity of information romanian kids get in school is far more bigger compared with other countries. Other than that we also have very beautiful women.  
 You asked what is good about being a romanian,not what is good about the country.I've found many  reasons,not all were good but if you would ask me if i ever wanted to be born somewhere else,i'd say no.I'd still choose Romania.Proof is me writting this blog ,if i wouldn't have loved my country i wouldn't have done this.
I live in Romania and this takes all my time.